10 GPM
Needs of grease trap
The accumulation of grease within the sewer lines increase the potential to cause sewer blockages, which in turn can cause overflows, which potentially degrade the quality of local surface waters. Blockages may also cause sewer to
back-up into business establishments, or homes, and can cause extensive damage. Grease can be discharged to the sewer system from several sources, including Food Service Establishments. Grease trap fix to drainage line resolve these
problems. Type B Grease Trap specially designed for Hotels ,Restaurants ,Medium Kitchen etc…
Team Ultra Engineering service
Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value. The grease interceptors market is expected to see major growth in future. As the traditional markets
like restaurant, hospitality and large health-care…. We serve to solve it
Explore our custom fabricated fittings for drainage work & grease trap management for water treatment…..We can provide ultimate Solution for custom made PVC fittings
Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. We proven our clients and materials supply their projects history of quality ,success and our customer centric focus ,aligned with their satisfaction